
您現在的位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 肉類切割設備 > 德國切丁設備 > RU2大型全自動鮮肉切丁機 切肉設備

大型全自動鮮肉切丁機 切肉設備

  • 更新時間:  2024-05-14
  • 產品型號:  RU2
  • 簡單描述
  • 大型全自動鮮肉切丁機RU2主要特點是:工 具 箱 空 間 大 , 箱 蓋 防 水 設 計 , 直 接 面 對 操 作 者 。 4 套 切 割裝 置 存 放 在 工 具 箱 中 以 免 損 壞 , 保 持 衛 生 。and all systems will move to their cleaning position.
    無 論 切 任 何 產 品 , 全 觸 屏 電 腦 控 制 系 統 都.



top performer

A comfortably operating concept puts the operator into the center.This means converting up to 3.000

kg material into perfect cutting results, effortless and without having to run around.

3 0 0 0

           Standard equipment


1 -3 2 調 1-32

1.300 mm 0,5 - 32 mm

1.550 mm

min. 160/320

900 - 1.400 mm


功率 3.5kw

料溫   -5 °C bis +80 °C

產量   3.000 kg/h

料倉空間   120 x 120 x 500 mm

刀柵規格   5, 10, 20, 40, 60

6, 12, 24, 60

7, 15, 30, 60mm

Connected load

Machine weight

Size of shaft (W x H x L)

x x

Subject to technical changes           900 - 1.400 mm

3,5 kW

750 kg

120 x 120 x 500 mm         Cutting temperature


Cutting output max.


Standard grid-sizes

                -5 °C bis +80 °C

3.000 kg/h

5, 10, 20, 40, 60

6, 12, 24, 60

7, 15, 30, 60


Cutting with new operating concepts

         Discharge conveyor belt

 Better product quality           make even the smallest amounts of product pro?table.

便 2 0 0

zui 1 0 zui 1

The change-over-comfort


Better operational comfort

             of convertion-, cleaning-time. It is functioning easily.

1 0

The tool box The Touch-PC control


              and all systems will move to their cleaning position.


       The feeder system

The carriage with for example 5 Euro-boxes can be inserted into the cutting             The serrated knives

 sing containers. 5

           guidance are available so that unusual products can also be processed.



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  • 聯系郵箱:488746026@qq.com
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  • 聯系地址:北京市豐臺區

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